Schorman Center Services
The Schorman Center offers ongoing grief services to patients and families of Hospice of Warren County. We also offer our grief services to all children and adults who reside in Warren County. The Schorman Center staff consists of a Bereavement Coordinator, 2 chaplains and 4 grief counselors.
Individual adult counseling
Monthly women’s grief group, 3rd Tuesday monthly , 5PM First Lutheran Church, Warren
Weekly grief yoga classes, every Wednesday at 5 PM, First Lutheran Church, Warren, $5.00 per class
Family grief counseling as requested
Quarterly 4-week grief workshops Hospice Office, 1 Main Ave., Warren
Commemorative mailings to Hospice families on significant days
Annual Memorial Service, 1st Sunday in November
“Going Solo” life skills workshops for the newly single
Monthly Suicide Grief support group 2nd Monday monthly, Faith Fellowship Church of God, 208 Market St., Warren
In-service grief trainings for local agencies and businesses upon request
Grief counseling for area businesses and agencies upon request
Individual children’s counseling at The Schorman Center 1 Main Ave., Warren
Group grief counseling for students in all WCSD schools
Grief library open to public
Grief counselors sent to WAHS and BWMS following suicides of two students
Grief counselor sent to WCCC following suicide of physical education teacher
Grief in-service presentation to WCSD school counselors
Member of WCSD postvention task force
Member of the YMCA-sponsored group, Be Well Collaborative, promoting activities linking physical and mental wellness.
Schorman Center Memory Garden seasonal trees – ribbon tree in the spring, holiday tree in winter
You are cordially invited to the annual Hospice of Warren County Memorial Service.
This non-denominational service celebrates the lives of our loved ones who have passed.
This year’s service is Sunday, November 3, 2024, 3PM, at Grace United Methodist Church, 501 Pennsylvania Ave. East, Warren, PA 16365. If you would like the name of your loved one to be read aloud during the service, please call the Hospice office at 814-723-2455 by Tuesday, October 28th. Following the service, we hope you will attend the informal reception to enjoy light refreshments and fellowship.
WORKSHOP SCHEDULE Tuesdays in November $5.00 per workshop
11/5– Car Maintenance and Repair at Midtown Motors – 5:00 PM - Learn about taking care of your vehicle. Do your tires need air? Did your “check engine” light come on? Do you need new windshield wipers or wiper fluid? Who do you call for help? Come to Midtown Motors for answers!
11/12 – Art for Wellness – LIMITED TO 15 ATTENDEES. 4:00 PM at First Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall (basement). Learn to make a collage from magazine pictures and a papier mâché mask. We supply the materials. No artistic skills are necessary. This class focuses on the artistic process, not the final product! Presenter: Kristine Peterson, Clinical Art Therapist at Family Services of Warren.
11/19 – Minor Home Repair – 4:00 PM at First Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall (basement). Leaky faucet? Hot water tank leaking? Furnace need a new filter? Learn how to fix things yourself and how to choose a reliable repair person. Presenter: Kent Wilcox of Wilcox Brothers True Value in Sugar Grove.
11/26 – Don’t Get Scammed! 4:00 PM at First Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall (basement). Don’t get fooled by a scam artist! Learn what scams are out there, how to spot a scam, and what to do if you get taken in by a scammer. Presented by Kristen Guiher, Northwest Bank Fraud Dept.
You may attend one or more of these workshops. To register or ask questions, call Jodi Bevevino, Bereavement Coordinator, at 814-723-8060.
Have deep feelings of sorrow?
Feel tightness in the throat or heaviness in the chest?
Feel guilty at times, angry at others?
Find it difficult to concentrate?
Sense your deceased loved one’s presence and talk to him or her?
Have difficulty sleeping or feel exhausted?
Feel the need to share the special qualities you valued in your loved one?
Experience frequent mood swings?
Cry at unexpected times?
These are all-natural and normal grief responses. Hospice bereavement services can help you identify and understand the range of emotions you may encounter during the grieving process.
Grief Comes in Many Ways
Yoga for Grief Relief combines the practice of yoga with bereavement support. It is specifically designed to support body, mind, and spirit through the grief process. Yoga postures can assist in working through symptoms associated with grief such as poor sleep, intense emotions and holding stress in the body.
While we don't have talented dogs to assist us, we do have a wonderful yoga teacher and an experienced grief counselor to lead the class. Marilyn Eberhart, our teacher, and Maureen Emerling, our grief counselor, lead the class through breathing exercises, gentle yoga poses and guided relaxation. Yoga sessions provide a safe space to explore thoughts and feelings in mind and body.
Join us every Wednesday at 5 PM, First Lutheran Church Old Fellowship Hall, 109 W. Third St., Warren. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Call 814-723-8060.